Thursday, April 2, 2009

Jobs & Comedy

Oh how I wish the two went hand in hand!

If I could spend the rest of my life making BALONEY! shorts, I would be a very happy man. I don't need to be rich... don't need to be famous. I'm happy if I know a few people are laughing or having a mild chuckle at my expense. Unfortunately, I have to be a big kid now and get a... job.

Right now I'm job hunting like none other for a job in Chicago, so I can be like other comedian hopefuls and take classes at iO and Second City. Instead of being able to successfully land a job, I've been successful instead in reading Del Close and Charna Halpern's TRUTH IN COMEDY, Charna Halpern's ART BY COMMITTEE, and Keith Johnstone's IMPRO. While I wish I had something secured in Chicago, I still see it as time well spent. Obviously the best experience is being on stage, but I feel 23423423523522239 times more knowledgable already.

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